Ragusa Hospital

All organisms on Earth are tightly integrated to form a single complex self-regulating system. As human beings we are part of this system and we have a ‘genetic’ need for connection with Nature and other biotic forms, starting from our evolutionary dependence on them for survival, shelter or personal fulfilment.

A healthcare project designed to reconcile technology and human nature, avoiding the risk that interest of the system and organization prevail over those of the individual.

An increasing number of scientific investigations has confirmed the beneficial effects that exposure to the natural world has on the psycho-physical health of the human being, reducing blood pressure, heart rate, muscle tension, the production of stress hormones and contributing to the healing process.

The starting point for our proposal for the completion of the Ragusa Hospital was to enhance the interaction between the hospital, as a technological construct, with the nature present on the site and around it, trying to give an ‘urban’ definition to the spaces created by the hospital and creating actual therapeutic ‘places’.

Location:Ragusa, Italy
Awards:Shortlisted competition entry
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