Polo Scolastico, Lentate sul Seveso

The project envisages the construction of a new primary school which will constitute not only a significant progress for the school offer of the Municipality of Lentate sul Seveso, but also an opportunity for significant renewal of the whole area, being able to act as a real 'Civic Center' and offer community services which are not available at this time.

At the heart of this approach is the awareness that the school must perform multiple functions. The architectural approach will therefore have to respond to a conception of a school building that is not made up of a series of infinitely multifunctional spaces – which often end up not satisfying any specific need – but of an agglomeration in which the spaces for learning, those of play and those of doing intertwine and intersect, while maintaining their specialization and needs.

The particularities of the buildings, the conformation and the site will make the new primary school a unique and immediately recognizable place compared to other similar realities, able to enhance the person and create a sense of community. At the same time, the project must constitute a clear, elegant, functional and efficient solution from an economic and energy point of view.

Location:Lentate sul Seveso, Italy